This is a critical hour were a very important event is in progress, which is the NATIONAL ELECTION. Not only that, but is a critical election because in the next decade, PNG economy will boom particularly due to US$15 LNG activities. If only we could utilise this opportunity and others effectively, we will avoid fail state. This will be determined by the politicians we elect. We need leaders and not simple manages to represent us. Managers maintain things but don't make them grow. Leader grow thing and also maintain thing. Leader can also be a manager, but manager can't be a leader.
We need quality leaders. Quality leaders who has vision for the people, their families are in order - nor broken marriages, no abusive children and goofd wife. Also has good education and knows international international politics, because we don't want him to be a beck bencher imitating others. Please advocate for quality leader to our people, becaues it is a decision that will affect generations and the nation.
This nation's health, education, economy, security, industry, commerce, desperately needs to be restored. Maternal Mortality rate must decrease for being worst in the pacific, HIV must decrease from being worst in the nation, official corruption must decrease for be one of the most corrupted in nation in the world list,etc... and living stand of the people must increase through access of quality health care services and maintain transprancy and accountaility.
Therefore we need leaders who has character and not reputation, who possess a big heart to accommodate all people and not oonly his relatives. We are the next leaders and an agent of change. Mass media can critise us, but we will always proves them worng because PNG belong to GOD. God is emerging Davids who are going to take over Saul Government. GOD BLESS EHP AND PNG.
The Nation has effective policies drafted but lack implementation. Politician has neglected these policies as a result they actions are contrary to the consititution because the policies are derived from the constituiton. There is nation need leaders who will implement these policies. Our people must give their mandate to leadership that is both visionary and inspirational for the common good, leadership that is decisive, honest and accountable.
The current Government of PNG handed down a K12 billion budget and by 2014 the country budget would double to K24 billion. Therefore, it is need to have quality leaders to who can drive the nation's economy forward with directions from the fical and monetary policy.
Asian Development Bank referred to the PNG economy as the economic tiger of the Pacific. It is also the reason why, PNG is the host of the single largets and most complex energy project in global oil and gas financing and engineering history…the PNG LNG Project. WE MUST EFFECTIVELY UTILISE THIS OPPORTUNITY.
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