Students reaching out to students to build man and woman with righteousness of God to stand firm for the royal truth in the midst of all evil and can make a difference different profession.
“God has prepared a generation to change a nation”. Matthew: 21: 1-2, 9: 37.
Students reaching out to students to build man and woman with righteousness of God to stand firm for the royal truth in the midst of all evil and can make a difference different profession.
“God has prepared a generation to change a nation”. Matthew: 21: 1-2, 9: 37.
- Kainantu High school
- Onerunka High School
- Aiyura National High-school
Power of GOD in these topics
- Drug and alcohol abuse: Julie Kwaudi
- Teenage Pregnancy: Enos Turia
- Business Opportunities: Norm Offi
- Tribal Fights and gitpela sindaun: Margaret Wata
- Uni Life and purpose driven life: Julianne Veoli
- Poverty: Megu Tony
- Politics: Sandra Humbi
- Purpose driven life: Manoah Karlo
Prepared by Enos Turia, Elijah Paru, Manoah Karlo,George Witne, Megu Tony, Norm Offi, Issac Kolwon,Julianne Veoli, Acta Simiriong and other DWU Eastern Highlands students. (Organizers)
Reaching out to the people of Kainantu in Eastern Highlands Province through proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in visiting schools and encouraging youths of this generation that the ultimate source of our success is God.
From the President’s Desk
Greetings to you all in the name of our FATHER, SON JESUS CHRIST and the
HOLYSPIRIT, Peace, Joy and Love of GOD are with you all.
I feel honoured to take up this responsibility. There are challenges that come my way but the enduring Grace and Mercy of GOD as enabled me to handle the things of God through. Brethreans, the Grace of GOD through Christ Jesus is sufficient enough to bring us through any situation when handling the things of GOD.
Truely serving God is worth more than any other thing one can do. He entrusts and gives responsibilities. I’m glad I said yes to the call. For whom He calls, He provides and sustains”. Often this encourages me to take one more step ahead in the things concerning the extension of His KINGDOM. God is awesome and has done a mighty and miracle thing in me that have completely changed my views towards serving Him.
On behalf of the DWU TSCF president, I would like to thank the following sponsors of this movement for their heart in funding this gospel.
1. SUSAN KOPYATO – Kalibobo clothing Madang
2. Madang Regional TSCF
3. Mr. AKO ANISSE – Kainantu District Administrator
4. Mr. JOHN CHOKOLI – Madang Regional TSCF parent.
5. Jeff Varip – Graduate
6. Ms Ludy – TIC for Scripture Union in Kainantu Highschool.
7. Kainantu Interchurch Rise and Shine
8. DWU TSCF Students
If the little boy had not given the two fish and five bread than, Jesus Christ would not have perform the miracle, but because he gave. The little boy connected the bread and fish factory in heaven for supply of thousand fish and bread to feed the thousand people. Your giving really connected the treasury bank in heaven and so the supply was abundant that time. One day a soul will say “thank you, I am saved because you gave that time” and it will be the greatest honor in heaven for you. ,, Amen.
We have nothing to give you in return but thank you so much for giving to the lord; we pray that God will expand the territory of your influence and continue to raise you to greater heights.
DWU- TSCF Prayer coordinator- 2011 ENOS TURIA – organizer
Before departure on Sunday 12th June 2011, the team was encouraged and prayer released by two graduates (Samuel Ray and Pst. Israel John) in representing the rest of the graduates. Also Mrs Walo the ministry parent and family were present. Prior to that on previous night, Mr. Chokolie who is the Ministry patron also offered a PRAYER released during the team’s camp out. Mr. Ray who is the current Madang Regional TSCF Director explained the Mission Statement in refference to the Holy Word of God; Romans: 10: 15 & Luke: 10: 1-2.
Sunday 12/06/11
On the Sunday 12th June 2011 at about 11.30 a.m, the DWU TSCF team in representing the Madang Region left for Kainantu Outreach. With a total of about 31 students most in their green printed T-Shirts and arrived in Kainantu at about 4.45.p.m. amongst the group were a United Church youth friend and a SDA brethrean with a full regional music team. Glory be to God as Emmanuel Arua who sits on wheel chair with his guidian also set for the outreach trip. Really his deep desire and passion in serving God through reaching others was an inspiration to the travelling team. Enjoyment of the trip to first time Highlands way travellers was a stop at Yonki damn for about 30 minutes.
The team arrived in Kainantu then to Aiyura Four Square Church. There we were accomodated at Senior pastor’s house (Ps Karo). Also some team who went up earlier in doing arrangments joined the team and increased the number to about 40.
At evening official welcome was made by the youths and remarks by Snr. Pst. Karo India, where also released the pulpit to the team. Also team introduction was made and a dance by the team on the “DECLARATION of the KINGDOM OF GOD”. Again Emmanuel’s presence was a challenge to all, especially when viewing the geography of the environment.
DWU TSCF Prayer Coordinator Enosh Turia emphasized on the purpose of our visit to the area by challenging the congregation that we were students sacrificing our holidays for gospel’s sake to give what Christ had placed in our hearts so as much as possible encouraged to take out of us.
Emphasis on the word according to I Samuel: 16 by Pst. Paru were on the need of “God’s approval and assurance as God’s chosen in having the spirit of God”. For he pointed out that the harvest is plenty. He also stressed that God must appoint so that the reources are not waisted.
Pst. Karo then prayed and released the pulpit to the team. Youth pastor and other pastors from other churches were present. Unity amongst the body of Christ was a blessing and let God alone get every glory and praise.
Many were new to the area thus experience the cold whether, however the hospitality provided by the locals were awesome. Huge blankets and mattresses were provided in surplus. We had good rest.
Monday 13/06/11
From 5 – 6.30 a.m a combine “Arise and Shine” was held where Emmanuel William held and shed according to Psalms: 31: Word was on Prayer of Trusting God in this outreach for greater exploits especially in the young lives.
Main service began at about 9 a.m. after bathing and breakingfast. Glory is to God that because we travelled with complete Regional Musical team they led the praise and worship while Elijah Paru ministered the word. Word for the day was on the importance of ‘Being in a Right environment and be connected to right people’ where that preserved SEED/DREAM on the inside of us may germinate and develope.
Additionally Pst. Karo stated that only dead people will answer the call. Jonah: 1: 1-3:. He stressed that making the call of God fullfilled is daily dieing to fleshly desires. For power of ressurection is in the power of crucification.
After morning sessions was a 20 minutes break then we set for hospital visitation at town. As we set for hospital, we stop by at the market were fruits and other things for the patients were bought. Also students had gift bought from Madang with them including blankets to bless them. At the hospital we were divided into 4 groups based on available number of wards. Students had personal experiences in being exposed to such where some were surprised to share from them their hearts and bless the patients. Even prayers of forgiveness and salvation were made in dedicating the patients to God.
At about 5.45p.m the team all set off back to Four Square Church in the rain. It was awesome serving God in such a manner. Evening worship was held where DWU TSCF president Acta, Simiriong share the word on Harvest in the evening fellowship.
Tuesday 14/06/11
From 5 to 6 am was dawn devotion where Duncan Moitisi stressed on ushering the movement of God in our time and generation. Second morning session was another wonderful time of experiencing another personal encounterment with God. Praise and worship was dynamic and presence of God for this day was thick then Julianne Velio, the DWU TSCF vice president preached on Holy Sprit and the mark of Sonship and Ownership John 9. Many scriptures were made reference to; John 14, I Corinthians.6. Holy Spirit who is the spirit of the truth that will reveal original information. Sonship in inheriting the things of kingdom is only through the sprit of God, she stated. Let’s live to cultivate the spirit of God in us everyday. For child was born but a son was given as stated in Isaiah.
Then we visited the Kainantu high school where we were greeted by a U.O.G. TSCF Graduate, Ms. Ludy who is now the scripture union coordinator in the school. She testified to us that our going was a confirmation of what God has been impressing on her heart in unifying all students of the area through a big conference. It was an inspiration of us that God was connecting people who were alert in Kingdom business concerning this generation and nation.
DWU presenting a creative dance @ Kainantu Sec |
Because the grade10s were meeting in preparation for their National written expression exam, we waited for an hour. Because time was limited, presentation on teenage pregnancy, alcohol and drug abuse, tribal fight and uni life only were made. Each speaker was given 5 minutes to speak and a creative dance was performed.
Most importantly Elijah Paru who is a first year student in Information systems encouraged and challenged students on the word for being dependent on God and not rushing into any quick decisions. As someone who grew amongst them, he spoke at their level in their language and all were challenged, touched and inspired.
Our encouragement to the students were assurance that they have the potential to perform better just like any other students attending tertiary school right across the nation because we are uniquely created by God. It requires a matter of how you study; discipline yourselves, scheduling yourselves and managing time well and significantly hard work and commitment to studies. We motivated them that our successes are possible because as a believer our true strength comes from the lord, the source of all wisdom and knowledge.
Even the teachers testified later that they wish they’d given us whole day long to speak. They were so blessed that a few of them sowed seed in cash into the movement and made a request if it would remain as an annual program. From the High School pastor Paru at Aiyura Four Square church arrived in his truck and picked the team. The trip from the Kainantu town back to Aiyura Four Square Church was in rain. However the team still enjoyed it through by singing hot praises and glorifying our lord JESUS.
Wednesday 15/06/11
Onerunka High School |
Dawn prayer for this day was awesome having each student to share from their hearts in blessing one and other on the current move of God in our generation. By which word ministered at that time was from Isaiah: 66: 1-2 on house building. Before we build we need wisdom, understaing and knowledge of God to empower us all. Additionally it was shared that unless a builder watches, a builder builds in vein thus we need God through His spirit as we reach out and build to extend His eternal kingdom.
Moreover fellowship from 8.43 – 11.15 a.m in which the Madang Regional TSCF president Michael Koini preached the word according to Luke 8: 43-48. It was on an internal touch where he stressed on the “touch on the inside to experience the power of God”. He illustrated that this bleeding woman made an internal touch to Jesus and experienced the power of God in her receiving her instant healing. Internal touch is powerful, he stated. Indeed word of God was inspirational to many students, for we must also be willing to receive when we minister and give. To which Snr. Pst Karo at the church supported and made an alter call for special prayer of the release of annointing for an internal touch by spirit of God. Really students were mostly the congregation thus we believe that this day was reserved particularly for internal touch by God upon His children. For even the word was timely. I say Amen! For when God wanted to speak to Moses he brought him into right envorinment on Mt. Sinai where He communicated His heart to Him. Likewise the same God we worship was doing the similar thing by His Holy Spirit, worship leader emphasized. “Amen for God to speak and release a word for specific people, environment has to be conducive that things of the spirit might be released. Twenty souls responded to the word and most were student.
In the afternoon the team went to visit Onerunka Highschool. Though it was in the rain yet students flooded into their main mess for program to begin. Due to time limitation, brief introduction of the team and ministry by president Acta Simiriong and the outreach purpose was made by the prayer coordinator Mr. Turia then presentation on topics were made right then. Many of the studnets had good time breaking out of themselves as they were making speeches. I believe all had a story as testimonies to tell. Most importantly the word of God was ministered by a second year Rural Health student Duncan Motisi. He preached on Eternal Destiny – Hell or Heaven with reference to the Holy Word of God according to John. 10.10 where he stressed that the thieft doesn’t come accept to kill, steal and destroy. “But Christ Jesus had come that they may have life and that life in abundant. Many souls were challenged to recommit their lives to almighty one. As the team worshipped in singing Elijah Paru made an alter call to which lives responded and got their deliverance. A few were under demonic possessions Pst. Karo dealt with them for the next two hours on one to one base prayerfully delivering their souls from foreign spirits. Many had addictions, others felt inferior and were very mush encouraged not to look down at their limitations but to reach out to God who gives true life definition as He is the manufacturer of every soul. 16 souls were saved into Kingdom and glory be to God. Everyone was encouraged to keep praying, go to fellowship and keep going closer to God and never let condemnation keep them separate from the Lord’s presence because the truth is: there is no such thing as condemnation for those who believe in Christ Jesus. Young people were touched by God that day and came out to accept the truth that Jesus did it all for them on the cross.
By the time we finished, it was already late afternoon and that truck could not travel down the muddy ground so we had to walk for almost an hour to the top of the mountain. It was an amaizing experience for us in serving God through such. At a community in Onerunka, more than half of the students got off to be with the community at Onampi Four Square. Remaining team went back to Aiyura and arrived at night, got ready only then attended fellowship. Pastor Masi who is the senior Pastor at the Bundaira Foursquare Church. He preached in relation to the team in reference to Matthew: 21: 1-2 – Human Resource Department of Heaven is employing people to complete this last move of God accross the globe. He emphasized that either one is counted in or out of the group. Suicide for Jesus by standing for the royal truth in making sacrifices and defend the eternal Kingdom of God, he said.
On the other hand the God be glorified for He did amaizing things again through the team that stayed off at Onerunka area. They ministered through dances and drama on challenges that young people are faced with everyday. And resorts to wrong places in looking for hopes and solutions yet often wounds their hearts. But the good news is that Jesus died to redeem mankind by restoring the identity which man lost.
Thursday 16/06/11
Remaining team at Aiyura four square church area had dawn devotion and morning prayer which was lead by Margaret Wata a year four student. Really the students had a good time in personally encoutering God as they worshiped and collectively prayed on the nation and the outreach team as a whole.
Though it was programmed that the team was to meet with every youths of all churches at the Salvation Army church in town. Yet this didn’t eventuate. Instead as the spirit lead the team took the day off with the senior pastors at church who operates with the gift of delivering souls from foreign spirits that individual body harbours. Glory be to God as we spent spend time the man of God, he was able to release the things of the spirit to us. Even the wife encouraged the team that “ Boy/Girl Relationship” which lead into open discussion among them. They were able to raise questions and fully giving the views. Also vedios of what God is doing in his ministry was viewed to challenge the students to prepare their hearts in the delivery process that he felt he should one and all through. Also they spoke a lot on courtship principles as well as dressing which speaks on attitude from the inside. They concluded in saying that descipline your eyes and ears in reference to the holy word according to Psamls: 119.11 “It is always the prayer of their hearts that God through their ministry by His grace may make this place – SEMETRY FOR MISSIONARIES”. Pastor, Karo said. I believe all students have a testimony to share on this. Especially having such busy people to spend the whole day with young people was a blessing to all of us. God alone gets the glory. We finished at 4.15 p.m.
At evening night fellowship was held and the word shared was taken from Luke 11 and Matthew: 21. Emphasis was on the generational curse where Jesus Christ came and destroyed. Galatians.4.4. Christ came in the fullness of time and redeemed all mankind. Often we don’t realize we live with curses and how terribly handicap our spiritual growth.
Additionally, he stated that we must live to carry God even through persecutions not only in our good times. Also the vessel of God Pst. Karo stressed in encouraging the congregations that “don’t release your dreams, visions and revelation too quick but must internalise it that it expands and blesses others. Forget the past as he sensitively stressed on availsble hearts, for God wants to use you. “Because you are ready for today’s annointing in this generation”, he said. Also during the night rally we had Aiyura National High school students (TSCF) and others with us. Also we presented items that blessed many that they even cried.
Friday 17/06/11
Kainantu Town Outreach (Open-Air) |
That day had been scheduled for Kainantu town outreach.
Again dawn devotion was held and prayer. Then we proceed into brief discussion on outreach set up next to Papindo. Program was reset and time for set up was at noon.
Again dawn devotion was held and prayer. Then we proceed into brief discussion on outreach set up next to Papindo. Program was reset and time for set up was at noon.
For morning service as programmed was cancelled but instead the students invested into “Deleverance Session” with Snr. Pastor Karo with Pastor Keleb and Pastor Masi. Because the need was there we respected the conviction in the leaders and got the ladies first to be delivered from 7 – 10.00 a.m. It was awesome having being delivered from what the body is harbouring over the years. It was a great experience for all. Some things we never understood that we are actually carrying demons around us. For repentance is totally different from deliverance. Students were amazed and wanted to be all delivered but due to time limitation, we had to cease and depart for town outreach.
Outreach Banner |
At 10.30 a.m. we left the Aiyura church ground and waited for transport for about an hour. Though it rained, still the students found joy in serving God almighty through such. At around 12.30 we gathered at the area next to Papindo, as it was getting more cloudy prayer team marched around the area prayerfully. Rain ceased and sun suddenly shone above so hot. Even before we started setting up instruments and PA system people already came and waited patiently to hear what was going to be presented. Instruments from nearby church, the Mapara Foursquare Church come with their youths to stand with us through out the open air. Area was crowded from seeing the banner. Enosh Turia outlined the purpose of the outreach in reaching to the Kainantu youths in particular to take ownership of their land and make a difference. We bagan with singing praises as well as items on life situation dramas where young people often turn in the wrong directions in search for solutions to find comfort but what happens next is the scare in the heart from wounds. Also presentations on certain topics such as teenage pregnancy, tribal fight, alcohol and drug abuse well as a testimony by Emmanuel Arua a third year Information system student who sits on wheel chair. Followed by God’s word by a first year students Elijah Paru. Word was released in such a way that many will feel the need for God in their lives and they can not do without Him.
Also Elijah stressed on some core points on taking ownership of our land Kainantu and our generation. As in the outreach purpose which was stated by Enosh Turia. He stressed that every Eastern Highlanders need Jesus to be counted in for what happens in their province. Many lives were touched, inspired, encouraged and challenged. During the outreach many of observed to be in tears. God gets the glory. We believe that though none responded to the alter call that was made yet seed of the word was planted and due time will be harvested by other vessels of God. It was one of those seed sowing time during the main town outreach. At about 4 o’clock we ended all programs and returned to Aiyura four square ground for evening worship.
Night worship was held and word ministered was from Luke. 23: 42 and II Chronicles: 16: 9 – Sifficient grace of God. Even sometimes we may not know where to start and how to do it when our lives seem meaningless. But despite this, it was shared that God still gives hope to the hopless, He is just there to embrace you and wash your tears. For he is counting on you to bring change in this generation, and towns in Papua New Guinea. As the word was preached the presence of God was so thick that each student got lost in His holy presence in re-strenghtening their faiths.
After worship the next lot of students stayed on with the Senior Pastor Karo for deliverance. We thankful for such a man of God to really humble himself and be among young people. Especially in sacrificing his family time. It was a blessing, inspiration and a challenge to many of us as arole model.
Saturday 18/06/11
Students Clean K92 Town |
As we were visiting the schools and the churches we informed everyone that there will be a town clean up on the above date. And two local students from Kainantu George and Manoah, organized plastic bags, wrags, hand cloves, wheel borrow, spade by seeking the assistance from the District Administrator Mr. Ako Anisse.
On the date above, there were students from all the schools including Aiyura National High, Onerunka High, Kainantu Technical Secondary School and the primary school students, the Inter- Church Youths of Kainantu were all gathered at the front of the Microfinance Bank waiting for us in their white T- shirts when we the TSCF OUTREACH TEAM arrived. That was very encouraging seeing young people rising up to clean up, their town. And we started cleaning the town from nine o’clock morning till one o’clock evening.
Manoah cleaning up his town |
The general public and the Christians who saw what was happening were really blessed, many people make comments on what was happening. The students responded to the people, “it is not the town authorities who create alot of rubbish, its us the people saw we need to be responsible for our rubbish”. Many begin to realise that something is happening for the better future of Kainantu. And the Snr. Ptr. Karo India was also part of the team, some parents and the TSCF Outreach Team. Many other people were really challenged to see University students who are from different provinces but have the heart to see Kainantu change for the glory of God.
Samuel Ray with future K92 Leaders |
In the evening, the TSCF Team visited the Kainantu Interchurh Youth at the Salvation Army Church and Fellowship there. And thirteen of them gave their lives to God and Ps Israel prayed with them to receive Jesus. Pastor Israel is one of the TSCF graduates who joined us at Kainantu, he is a graduate teacher whom God used him powerfully in the ministry of moving the gospel.
SUNDAY 19/06/11
And we had our close up service on Sunday at the Aiyura Foursquare Church. The church was full pack, the students from Aiyura National High School joined us all through the week and we had a wonderful time in the presence of God.
Pastor Israel and Mr Samuel Ray lead the fellowship. As Samuel encourages the young generation to rise up and impact the community and how to bring about change in the villages. He also challenges every young men and women to be changed before they can help others to change. And Ps Israel summed it up with the word of God. After the church service the Kainantu students organised a formal meeting with the church leaders and discuss the next move to be taken, including the Aiyura National High School principal Mr Dua.
Among us were local students, Enosh Turia, Manoah Karlo, Elijah Paru, George Witne, Megu Tony, Norm Offi, Philip Tema Kinoyu, Moten Angalio. They stood up before the elders and declare to stand boldly to see Kainantu change in their generation.
Monday – Tuesday 21/06/11
In the morning at 9am we drove around Kainantu town saying good by to EHP and departed for Madang. We blessed by the presence of parents and few pastors of the area as well as Pastor. Paru and Pastor Karo.
This report also contains personal experiences of individuals, testmonies on how powerful God delivered souls and the general overview of the outreach trip. Also in table form is the outreach financial report. One should be encouraged to read right through for you’ll be blessed at the amaized things God did and is doing in Madang Region. Glory be unto to God.
(1) This is my testimony of what God did in my Life……..
During this One week outreach in Kainantu, there is this word that God gave it to me. We were in a deep worship on the 18th of June 2010 (Saturday) in the early hours. And I can really feel the power of God come up on me, my heart was biting, I can feel the anointing of God on my hand, and the word came” WE ARE BUILT TOUGH FOR KINGDOM PURPOSE”, And suddenly I burst into tears and I was crying very bitterly repeating the same statement. And the bible verse that really encouraged me was JEREMIAH 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." People can look at the appearance, family background, our weaknesses, gender and disqualify us. But God sees the heart and his purpose in our lives and speaks highly about you and I, because he design you and I specifically for a divine purpose. So be encouraged in what ever you do for God.
God really touched my life, I have never been a good public speaker before, but after coming back from Kainantu Outreach, I can see my true potential to be someone that God wants to use in this time to move Gospel.
As a local student from Kainantu, I cannot sit back and see people perishing. I personally believe in the prayers that Christians have prayed some five to ten years ago. I want to be the answer to the prayer of change, to see good things coming out from Kainantu.
I see that people are willing but need a righteous leader to lead them. My people really need a Godly person to lead them.
I love my God, Thank you Jesus.
Manoah Karlo
DWU TSCF treasurer
Enosh Turia
Rural Health Yr. 4
Going up to Kainantu is an awesome experience. At the mountain it is where four things happen; this is the place where Devil tempts, is the place of great sacrifice, is the place where God gives instruction, and is a place where God provides.
As a leader I faced many challenges like; how am I going to lead such a group with different level of faith and understanding, how am I going to accommodate and feed them, how am I going to solve the problem within the group and their safety. I have all these questions in my mind but God really came down that time and demonstrated his power showing me who really he is.
God made everything possible and the outreach was very successful. Many students encountered God and where fully delivered, healed and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Also God used many students in a very dynamic way and impacted and influenced many people especially the youths in Kainantu area. All the praise and glory be to God.
As a Kainantu student and a leader of this movement I don’t want to repeat the same all prayers my parents and forefathers have being praying to see change in kainantu and PNG as a all. I don’t want God to look for another generation to bring change into the community and society. If God wants to do something in this generation then He must start with me now.
No retreat no surrender because we have the immeasurable power of God within us.
DWU TSCF prayer coordinator
Margaret Wata
Environmental Health Yr. 4
Brethreans truly when God wants to release His heart, he has to bring you to a right environment where He Himself could speak directly to you. For it was through this trip that I really get to know many of the things that God has to say to me personally for this season, my time and generation.
God is mighty and did many good things but of all am delightful to confess and testify of my healing from the spirit of infirmity which has being with me for the last 8 years. Asthma and TB that I have never realized until was PRAYED over that they got exposed through vomit in blood for almost a week and am thankful to God that as I served in this trip, He delivered me from infirmity which hinders me from serving God with my full strength. Glory be to God as I confess and testify that devil you are looser and the blood of the lamb is against you.
Something I learnt more in this trip is the importance of friendship with HOLY SPIRIT every day and every where. Folks we are more than conquers so walk in victory everyday. That we may have a testimony to tell in every days of our lives. “JESUS FOR LIFE”, we say no to Jesus and we heading for disasters.
Margaret Wata
Madang RTSCF Secretary
First and foremost let’s thank the Lord for the presence and the great works of His Holy Spirit in the lives of our people especially students in Eastern Highlands Province. By God’s grace we were able to visit the Kainantu land and thank God for the Eastern Highlanders both young and old in the way they responded to the gospel of Jesus Christ. We visited schools, churches and had open air outreach. God did many things in the lives of the people as we began to minister. That was a new experience for some of us however we were challenged and also shaped in many ways by how the Spirit of God worked.
Many lives were challenged and touched by God. Thank God for lives those were surrendered to Jesus as new converts and for recommitment and let us think of them in prayers making mention of schools in the province.
Secondly, on behalf of the executives of Madang Regional TSCF and Graduates Association at Divine Word University, I would like to thank every heart who gave in cash or kind inseeing this outreach trip a success. Also many thanks to Aiyura church congregation for their contributions as well as churches and families who supported us in Kainantu.
Special thanks to the graduates of Madang who joined us on Friday. Mr. Samuel Ray, Pastor Israel and other 8 graduates including three females. This shows that your hunger concerning the things of God is still on fire. For what you did God alone can see your spiritual need and will bless you accordingly. And individuals who stood at the back of us in fulfilling the purposes of God in our province. In cash or kind your contributions counts in the kingdom of God and you made your investment for a worthy course and you are honoured by God.
And I do not forget the effort from the members and the executives of DWU TSCF under the leadership of Acta Simiriong (President) and Jullianne Veoli (Vice President) together with Robert Simon as the National President for student and President for DWU TSCF and Michael Koini as the Madang Regional TSCF president for proper coordination. Last but most importantly to the man on the ground; Pastor Karo and Pastor Paru (Community leader) and Bob Kebaja for their awareness to the people and making necessary arrangement for logistic where we observed things flow smoothly. Thank you everyone and God gets all praise and honour.
Some things to Pray and praise God:
- . Praise God for a total of 30 souls that were surrendered to Jesus. Majority were students so let us thank God and think of them in our prayers
- Many students were under the convictions of the Holy Spirit but did not make up their mind so let us pray that God would just visit and deal with them individually.
- Thank God for our graduates, students and families who contributed much towards the Kingdom building in EHP, may God bless them. Keep praying for one and all.
Let us continue to pray for schools in the province. From what we observed, God is really moving in and causing some changes.
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