Tuesday, 22 May 2012

EHP leaders must be define by their Characters

Some provinces, districts or LLG in this nations rarely experiences development. Infrastructures build some 30 tp 40 years ago are still funtioning but in a deteriorating conditions. Even people are still living like their ancestors. The fault lies with the leaders. They should be the servant and not the boss. The citizens of this nation are the boss, get the facts right. PNG want servant - leadership inorder for services to be distributed efficiently and effectively to the people.
There are 46 Political parties in the 2012 National Election, which indicate that every body want to be a leader. Real leader is a person of character and not reputation. Character begins at home which is the beckyard.
Some of the politician boast to become a leader without any evidence to validate them. That is where our people are ignorant and continuously been manipulated by the so called "professional manupulators". Evidence to validate them is at home and family, I call it beckyard, that's where true leadership is birthed. Try to observed whether they have done some positive thing in their community. In other word, is there community and family in oreder, unity, peace, harmony? Is there community developed or experienced positive changes since independence? Why I am asking these questions is that, a leader is a light and salt in his or her community and should have influences over his or her community before been mendated.
If a man or woman has not done any thing in his or her community or fix his or her beckyard, how can he manage tp fix the distict, province and nation. Why vote for such people? If you vote for such peoplem you are stupid as they are. They lack character and quality of a true leader. Character is a permenant thing where as reputaiton is a temporary. Many politicial is defined by their reputation, as a result make many anti-promises (uncommitted & lack transprancy and accountability). There backyard must be developed before they can advanced out. Over the last 36 years, the nations have voted for kids who does not have the hear for the people.

A obvious example, accprding to Our Pacific Ways; there is no political or government support in addressing communityissues in Wampsr, Huon Gulf District. Why vote for blind leaders?

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