Monday, 1 October 2012
Show me a righteous leader and I will show you a happy people. show me a wisked leader and I will show you a miserable. (Proverbs 29:2). Our vote will affect us and the next generation. Everyone's wellbeing is determine by the the type of politician we elect as our leader.
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Saturday, 26 May 2012
PM is a product of GOROKA
PM base at Goroka. PM is a product of Goroka and sees Goroka and EHP as his home.
He was raised and educated and even reside and work here.
He is a good Leader, a leader of Wisdom.
Never look down on any. Trapped with in every man and woman is a great person. He or she need to be in an environment were these things will emerged.
He was raised and educated and even reside and work here.
He is a good Leader, a leader of Wisdom.
Never look down on any. Trapped with in every man and woman is a great person. He or she need to be in an environment were these things will emerged.
Friday, 25 May 2012
Enforcing Bans of smoking is everybody's respnsibility
#comment-form According to the PNG National Health Plan 2010-2011, health is everybody's responsibility. Therefore we cannot wait for the Enforcement unit. This is our country and change has to be initiated by us for the benefit for every one and the next generation. We must colloboratively ensure that PNG is a health and happy environment to live in. We have to speak up and tell people that, they are not allowed to smoke in the public. Passive smoking also has some serious negative effctive.Therefore it is our responsiblity to make sure such laws are enforced, afteall it is for our benefit that such law are amended.
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
EHP leaders must be define by their Characters
Some provinces, districts or LLG in this nations rarely experiences development. Infrastructures build some 30 tp 40 years ago are still funtioning but in a deteriorating conditions. Even people are still living like their ancestors. The fault lies with the leaders. They should be the servant and not the boss. The citizens of this nation are the boss, get the facts right. PNG want servant - leadership inorder for services to be distributed efficiently and effectively to the people.
There are 46 Political parties in the 2012 National Election, which indicate that every body want to be a leader. Real leader is a person of character and not reputation. Character begins at home which is the beckyard.
Some of the politician boast to become a leader without any evidence to validate them. That is where our people are ignorant and continuously been manipulated by the so called "professional manupulators". Evidence to validate them is at home and family, I call it beckyard, that's where true leadership is birthed. Try to observed whether they have done some positive thing in their community. In other word, is there community and family in oreder, unity, peace, harmony? Is there community developed or experienced positive changes since independence? Why I am asking these questions is that, a leader is a light and salt in his or her community and should have influences over his or her community before been mendated.
If a man or woman has not done any thing in his or her community or fix his or her beckyard, how can he manage tp fix the distict, province and nation. Why vote for such people? If you vote for such peoplem you are stupid as they are. They lack character and quality of a true leader. Character is a permenant thing where as reputaiton is a temporary. Many politicial is defined by their reputation, as a result make many anti-promises (uncommitted & lack transprancy and accountability). There backyard must be developed before they can advanced out. Over the last 36 years, the nations have voted for kids who does not have the hear for the people.
A obvious example, accprding to Our Pacific Ways; there is no political or government support in addressing communityissues in Wampsr, Huon Gulf District. Why vote for blind leaders?
There are 46 Political parties in the 2012 National Election, which indicate that every body want to be a leader. Real leader is a person of character and not reputation. Character begins at home which is the beckyard.
Some of the politician boast to become a leader without any evidence to validate them. That is where our people are ignorant and continuously been manipulated by the so called "professional manupulators". Evidence to validate them is at home and family, I call it beckyard, that's where true leadership is birthed. Try to observed whether they have done some positive thing in their community. In other word, is there community and family in oreder, unity, peace, harmony? Is there community developed or experienced positive changes since independence? Why I am asking these questions is that, a leader is a light and salt in his or her community and should have influences over his or her community before been mendated.
If a man or woman has not done any thing in his or her community or fix his or her beckyard, how can he manage tp fix the distict, province and nation. Why vote for such people? If you vote for such peoplem you are stupid as they are. They lack character and quality of a true leader. Character is a permenant thing where as reputaiton is a temporary. Many politicial is defined by their reputation, as a result make many anti-promises (uncommitted & lack transprancy and accountability). There backyard must be developed before they can advanced out. Over the last 36 years, the nations have voted for kids who does not have the hear for the people.
Monday, 21 May 2012
This is a critical hour were a very important event is in progress, which is the NATIONAL ELECTION. Not only that, but is a critical election because in the next decade, PNG economy will boom particularly due to US$15 LNG activities. If only we could utilise this opportunity and others effectively, we will avoid fail state. This will be determined by the politicians we elect. We need leaders and not simple manages to represent us. Managers maintain things but don't make them grow. Leader grow thing and also maintain thing. Leader can also be a manager, but manager can't be a leader.
We need quality leaders. Quality leaders who has vision for the people, their families are in order - nor broken marriages, no abusive children and goofd wife. Also has good education and knows international international politics, because we don't want him to be a beck bencher imitating others. Please advocate for quality leader to our people, becaues it is a decision that will affect generations and the nation.
This nation's health, education, economy, security, industry, commerce, desperately needs to be restored. Maternal Mortality rate must decrease for being worst in the pacific, HIV must decrease from being worst in the nation, official corruption must decrease for be one of the most corrupted in nation in the world list,etc... and living stand of the people must increase through access of quality health care services and maintain transprancy and accountaility.
Therefore we need leaders who has character and not reputation, who possess a big heart to accommodate all people and not oonly his relatives. We are the next leaders and an agent of change. Mass media can critise us, but we will always proves them worng because PNG belong to GOD. God is emerging Davids who are going to take over Saul Government. GOD BLESS EHP AND PNG.
The Nation has effective policies drafted but lack implementation. Politician has neglected these policies as a result they actions are contrary to the consititution because the policies are derived from the constituiton. There is nation need leaders who will implement these policies. Our people must give their mandate to leadership that is both visionary and inspirational for the common good, leadership that is decisive, honest and accountable.
The current Government of PNG handed down a K12 billion budget and by 2014 the country budget would double to K24 billion. Therefore, it is need to have quality leaders to who can drive the nation's economy forward with directions from the fical and monetary policy.
Asian Development Bank referred to the PNG economy as the economic tiger of the Pacific. It is also the reason why, PNG is the host of the single largets and most complex energy project in global oil and gas financing and engineering history…the PNG LNG Project. WE MUST EFFECTIVELY UTILISE THIS OPPORTUNITY.
We need quality leaders. Quality leaders who has vision for the people, their families are in order - nor broken marriages, no abusive children and goofd wife. Also has good education and knows international international politics, because we don't want him to be a beck bencher imitating others. Please advocate for quality leader to our people, becaues it is a decision that will affect generations and the nation.
This nation's health, education, economy, security, industry, commerce, desperately needs to be restored. Maternal Mortality rate must decrease for being worst in the pacific, HIV must decrease from being worst in the nation, official corruption must decrease for be one of the most corrupted in nation in the world list,etc... and living stand of the people must increase through access of quality health care services and maintain transprancy and accountaility.
Therefore we need leaders who has character and not reputation, who possess a big heart to accommodate all people and not oonly his relatives. We are the next leaders and an agent of change. Mass media can critise us, but we will always proves them worng because PNG belong to GOD. God is emerging Davids who are going to take over Saul Government. GOD BLESS EHP AND PNG.
The Nation has effective policies drafted but lack implementation. Politician has neglected these policies as a result they actions are contrary to the consititution because the policies are derived from the constituiton. There is nation need leaders who will implement these policies. Our people must give their mandate to leadership that is both visionary and inspirational for the common good, leadership that is decisive, honest and accountable.
The current Government of PNG handed down a K12 billion budget and by 2014 the country budget would double to K24 billion. Therefore, it is need to have quality leaders to who can drive the nation's economy forward with directions from the fical and monetary policy.
Asian Development Bank referred to the PNG economy as the economic tiger of the Pacific. It is also the reason why, PNG is the host of the single largets and most complex energy project in global oil and gas financing and engineering history…the PNG LNG Project. WE MUST EFFECTIVELY UTILISE THIS OPPORTUNITY.
Friday, 18 May 2012
DWU EHP Students Celebration during TSCF PNG Nite
PNG Nite
September 23rd 2011
Romans 8:21 - Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God (King James Version).
God is preparing a Generation to become part of the solution and not the problem to the nation of PNG. God will launch them out into the environment (workforce) to bring liberty to the creation. The creation has been in slavery for so long and is eagerly waiting for the SON OF GOD to be revealed.
Looking at the real scenario, PNG is ranked 24 out of 154 Corrupted Countries in the World. That the reality and we can’t ignore the fact and celebrating away. We must be the solution as an elite, when the people are complaining on how corrupt PNG. Corruption is the root of all the issues arising in this nation. We must come together and formulate effective strategies through God help that is relevant to deal with corruption. There is no time for playing up, we must think big.
The devil is very strategic just like in the past, during the time of Daniel. The devil is targeting the elites of this nation. He is try to plant wrong seed (corruptible) in them so that they will add to the corruption issue. Therefore, we to must be strategic by developing strategies to raise SON OF GOD. We can’t rely on old ways and formats of doing things, because they are irrelevant and ineffective in our time and season.
The main feature of the program is presentation of Major development and issue associate to the development or either separate issues related to political, social, economical etc… For instance; the issues is corruption. Bear in mind that there must be presentation on only one major development and issues. Than identify Strategies in the Scripture on how to deal with these issues. What strategies God in such time and season want his children to use in order to effectively deal with those issues.
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Becoming a Lahanis
Goroka Lahanis is known for producing Quality PNG Kumuls. It a team that does not import but export professional rugby player. Also it is an team were player build their capacity in Rugby Leagy. In addition, it is the most competitive Team in PNG. To secure or claim a spot in the team is very competitive. You have to possess the following qualities:
- High level of fitness.
- Competitive nature.
- Determination and perseverance.
- Ability to train hard and undertake necessary extra training to maintain fitness level.
- Willingness to maintain a healthy lifestyle to reduce risk of injury.
- Skills and talent in playing rugby.
- Dedication and motivation.
- Good self discipline.
- Team player.
- Ability to perform under pressure.
- Good communication skills with other team members and, in some cases, the media.
- Ability to accept and learn from criticism
- Players can be required to train up to five times a week and play matches on weekday evenings or during weekends.
- Some away fixtures will require overnight and overseas travel.
- Professional players must be willing to make public appearances to promote sport and highlight charities affiliated with the club. Club representatives may also be expected to network with club sponsors.
- Players may be requested to conduct media interviews.
- Players in the public eye will be expected to behave in a professional and responsible manner both on and off the field.
Sunday, 13 May 2012
He was birthed with a Missing rib bone, so as its kind (Genesis 2:22). He seeks but could not find, asked but could not receive. During his tertiary life, his health was deteriorating. In the midst of classes of ribs, a particular rib was outstanding. He had a strange feeling, which his whole being began to respond to the stimuli of the rib. The magnetic force of attraction between him and the rib was so strong, unsure whether the rib was aware or not. He has to make sure that’s rib is a replica, so he made appointment with the Chief Surgeon.
He waited almost 3 years petitioning the Chief Surgeon to confirm my missing rib. He patiently waited because my missing rib is accompanied by pride and joy (Proverbs 12:4). The wrong rib will eventually develop into a bone cancer.
The world offer variety of ribs, but the Chief Surgeon has predestined my missing rib for him. My missing rib is in the laboratory protected by couple of lab technician. He knows in heart that one day rib transplantation will occur and nothing will prevent it. Where the rib will leave the lab and become part of him (Genesis 2:24). Then he will proud to declare that that’s my missing rib.
The Crusade Team:
Ps. Israel (Teacher, Former MTC TSCF President, Student Pastor, Crusade Speaker)
Mr. Samuel Ray (Accountant, Former DWU & Mad. TSCF President, Crusade Speaker)
Mr. Enoch Turia (Health Extension, DWU & Mad. TSCF Prayer Coordinator, Crusade Speaker)
Mr. Megu Tony (Health Management, DWU TSCF Outreach Cord & Mad. TSCF Events Cord, Crusade Organizer)
Mr. Michael Koini (Environmental Health, Mad. TSCF President, Crusade Speaker)
Mr. Manoah Karlo (Business, DWU TSCF Treasurer, Crusade Reporter and Treasurer)
Mr. Emanuel William (Environmental Health, DWU & Mad. TSCF Music Cord. Crusade Music Engineer)
Mr. Elijah Paru (Information System, DWU TSCF Prayer Cord. Crusade Speaker)
Mr. Andrew Mark (Business, DWU TSCF Events Cord. Crusade Speaker)
Mr. Moten Angilio (Business, Crusade Organizer)
Mr. Joseph Kono (Information System, SPSA President, Crusade Musician)
Mrs. Jenny Tony (Gama COC Elder)
On be half of the DWU Kainantu Students Association and DWU TSCF President I would like to thank the following sponsor for their heart in funding this Crusade.
1. Mr. Elijah Gomahe & Family – Handy Mart Madang
2. Dr. Tony Drua and Late Mrs. Mary Drua
3. The Timreoh Community - Henganofi
Background Information about Timreoh Community
Travel to Timreoh |
Timreoh is a community situated towards the end of the Dunatina LLG. Dunatina LLG share boundary with Keswaka LLG which is generally knows by many apart from Dunatina LLG. Both LLG are in the Henganofi District of the Eastern Highland Province. Henganofi District is the district between Kainantu and Unggai-Bena District. This District is made up of the “Kafe Kamano” people.
Bridge at Timreoh |
The geography of the place is mountainous with long valley created by river ultimately. Most people reside along the river side which has good alluvial soil garden and flat for constructing houses. The road condition to the villages is good during the sunny seasons and is bad during rainy seasons. In addition, the road follows the river cutting alongside mountains.
Timreoh is considers the most lawless community in the Kesawaka and Dunatina LLG as well in Henganofi District. The community is known for initiating fights which eventually leads to tribal fights. Therefore the community has experienced fights for seven years. The community is feared by other communities. This encourages the men to take advantage and do a lot of damage when opportunities arise. Moreover the community built bilateral relationship with other distant communities like the Bena people of the Unggai-Bena District. This relationship is basically to help each other fight against enemies.
The community use guns and bows and arrows to fight. However that wasn’t enough to guarantee them victory. Therefore they have no choice, but to engaged in witch-crafts (sorcery). They use such demonic power to either manipulate their enemies or their shots, making it easier for them to kill their enemies. They even went to extreme by learning distant witch-craft practices from the coastal regions.
The witch-craft practices are purposely used to defend themselves, but however, today it being contrarily used. People who learned poisoned, known as sorcerer; in pidgin language, ‘Poison man’ used the witch-craft practices; black magic to kill their fellow tribe or clan man or woman. Such murder occurred mainly due to jealousy of being educated, and doing business. In 2008 my Aunty was attacked by black magic and dies because of jealousy. Her death spark man hunt. Six sorcerers (poison man) were hunted down and burned in their own house alive. Than eventually a peace agreement was held and everything calm down. People practicing poisoned were summon by the council to stop or been arrested.
The outcome of the frequent period of fighting is so evident in the society today. During the fight, children education was greatly disturb. As a result the community is not representing by their children in the primary, secondary and tertiary education stages. Many are still uneducated and are not aware of what is happening around the world. Not many people in the community are employed compared to other communities.
Today there are many demonic activities happening in the community that is destroying people’s lives. These activities are keeping them out of God’s presence. Activities such as gambling, dance, taking drugs, and robbery. These activities make ways for other demons such as adultery and fornication to operate and stealing. As a result there are domestic violence and arguments and fights among themselves. Also many marriages were affected.
Today the community is at peace. There have been peace ceremony held and enemies once are now friends. However this does not guarantee life time peace, considering the behavior of the youths. Most young people are engaging themselves in to activities that will destroy their lives such as drug, alcohol, sex, gambling etc... When they are in their wrong state of mind they can ignite dispute. It will be impossible for the community to change for the better unless the young people’s mind set is corrected. It can only be corrected by the word of God. Therefore, as a member of the community, God has placed this responsibility or burden on my shoulder to bring change through the Word of God into the Community. I cannot do it myself so I am involving you because you have something special in you, valuable, which has the power to make way, when there is not ways. I believe it does not matter where we come from and where we go, in our heart we want to see people’s lives change by the world of God. People lives restored and they began to realize their true identity.
(By Megu Tony)
@ Goroka - Gama COC Church |
On the 27th of October 2011 we left Divine Word University for Timreoh Crusade. There were eight of us, all males. We left Madang at 10am by PMV and arrived in Goroka at around 4pm. There we spend the night at Gama Christian Outreach Center Church. On Friday 28th of October 2011, we left Goroka and travel towards Timreoh in the Henganofi District. The trip lasted for four hours.
Finally around 3pm we arrived at Timreoh village. The villages greeted and welcome us with their smiling faces as they approach. Then we unload our stuff and carry them into a newly built round-house with mattress, pillow, and blanket all set. We left our bags there settled down for a while and then get our shelves prepared for the opening ceremony for the crusade.
We were very surprised to see a big grandstand with big speakers and full set musical instruments. The villagers were singing and waiting for us as we arrived. Among them were Pastors for five different local churches, community leaders and prominent people. When we arrived at the site, we were instructed to wait for their welcome dance. To our surprise, all the people singing songs in their traditional dialect (Kamano Kafe) dancing towards us and brought us to the front and as pastors from five different local churches come and put flowers around our neck. That we did not expect but that’s how they welcome Jesus into their community to see transformation.
Following are list of churches with the pastors who have stand with us for the move of God all through the crusade.
Churches Pastors
· District overseer CLC Church
· Ps. Dick Lunefa
· CLC Numuyafove Church
· Ps. Solomon Neho & Ps. Sagi
· SDA Timreoh Church
· Sonny Kesum
· Four Square Church Timreoh
· Ps. Sima Anis
· Lutheran Church - Timreoh
· Ps. Emeto Livitoe
· Local Church Timreoh
· Ps. Dickson Tia,o
After the welcoming ceremony, Mr. Enosh Turia got the microphone and appreciates the community for their effort to welcome Jesus into their community. He also acknowledged all the Pastors from different churches and the spirit of unity that have reached the community. Some pastors testify that such have never happened before to see all churches uniting. After singing some praises, we introduce ourselves and thank God that we have reach our mission field. The people were so excited about our presence, because it brings God to them from another dimension.
The first vessel to deliver the word was, Mr. Elijah Paru shared the word of God. Topic God gives live – Ezekiel, the Dry bones. He preach along God tell Elijah to tell the dry bones to live again. God is telling the people that his word only can give them life, otherwise they are walking dead. Towards the end of the sermon Mr. Paru announce an open invitation for those who want to recommit or dedicate their life to the Lord. Than the sermon ended with word of prayer. Ps Solomon Neho made some announcement the program ended at 9pm.
TSCF graduates in Timreoh |
Early the Saturday morning on the 29th of October, Mr. Samuel Ray and Ps Israel arrived with a group of teachers arrived. Ps. Israel was allocated the Saturday Moring secession. He sermon was base on the story of Samson and elaborated further on the lion that Samson killed and got honey out of it that taste d different and sweeter than the tastes of other honeys. Since the community that God visited through his workman had a history of seven years fighting, therefore everything were disorganized. However God visited the place to restore it. On that day 24 souls (8 men and 16 women) accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.
After the sermon, Ps. Tom declared publicly and thank God this crusade was according to God’s mighty plan to save his people. He confirms that the Team was sent by God to this place. In addition he also said that many are challenged already by the word of God. He also mention that the community has been blame for so many bad things that are happening around the place of influence, but after hearing the word of God, there is a hope to look up to the maker.
In the evening Mr. Paru made an opening prayer followed by praise and worship. A Special love offering was taken before the sermon, purposely to assist Mr. Ray and Ps. Israel for their departure to Madang. Since they are on duty, they have to be in Madang before Monday. The Community gave because they love their God. Many of the villages were in tears, thanking their God as they move up to give to God.
Ps Israel shared the word of God based on the scripture of Mark 8:17: And when Jesus knew it, he saith unto them, Why reason ye, because ye have no bread? perceive ye not yet, neither understand? have ye your heart yet hardened?: and Joshua 24:15, And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. In addition he enforced that we as Christians should make our declaration, and serves the Lord Jesus Christ. He said blessing leaves in you so you have to declare Lord over your life and coated Mathew 24: 35: Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
That night 20 souls gave their lives to Jesus Christ, and both the TSCF team and Pastors lead the people into sinners prayer. Thank God for he did so man y great things that many have come to realize that they should gave their lives to Jesus Christ and they did the right thing.
In ending Ps. Israel concluded, that the Church is no the problem but the people are the problem. God wants all the Churches to extend his Kingdom and defend it regardless of their doctrines.
Timreoh Technical School (Crusade site) |
On the Sunday morning, Mr. Michael Koini made the opening prayer and also led the praise and worship. The entire congregation from the five local churches with their Pastors came to attend that Sunday day secession. They decided that we all should have a combine fellowship. After the praise and worship, the pulpit was release to Ps.Israel to delivery the word of God. However, before that, he invites all of us to sing a praises song and do a Jesus much around the crusade site.
Ps Israel preached the word of God based up on the blessings that God gives to King Solomon (2 Kings 11:3). He further encourages people not to see small blessings and try to move away from God but rather be in God because what you already have is the portion of the greater things that is yet to come. Many Christians after receiving God’s blessings tend to depart form God’s presence like a thief. Finally sermon ended and Ps. Dick stood give thanks to God for the word that was preached and takes the honour to thank Mr. Samuel and Ps. Israel and the team to travel back to Madang in the afternoon.
Ps. Israel responded and thanks all the people for their effort and time in organizing the Crusade. Than Ps. Solomon conclude with announcement for the evening gathering and close the service with a prayer.
In the evening, Mr. Andrew Mark was given the opportunity to share the word of God. The sermon was titled “ party is on, but the wine is finish” (John 2:2). Towards the end of the sermon 24 souls accepted Jesus as their personal lord and saviour (12 males and 12 females). Also special calls were made to mothers who have a broken marriage and needs restoration. Seven mothers came to Jesus to seek restoration to their marriage from God. After that, TSCF Team put up a drama titled “Unity”. Many pastors after observing the drama came and testified. Thanking God that the drama really help us to realize the significance of working together as the body of Christ.
Ps: Solomon Made the Benediction.
On the Monday morning we conduct teachings on relevant and fundamental topics inline with our courses. We believe that these topics will enable them to live an effective life. The teachings were conducted in one of the classroom belonging to the Timreoh Technical School. The topics are:
· Drug and alcohol abuse (Michael & Emanuel)
· Teenage pregnancy (Enoch)
· How to look after the environment- buiding a good toilet (Michael)
· Politics 2012- Election (Megu)
· Basic Business formulas – budgeting family income (Manoah, Andrew, & Moten)
· Information system – computer (Joseph)
Thank God that many people, especially youths attended the workshop. The classroom was fully packed and some managed to stand outside and listen. God really moved, there were impartation of life principles. As the scripture said, ‘my people are not destroyed by devil or demons but by lack of knowledge. Therefore in the crusade we made sure that sufficient knowledge is given to the people.
The evening secession was opened with prayer and by Ps. Solomon. After the praise and worship the word of God was delivered by Mr. Michael Koini. The sermon was based on, ‘the women who touch the cloak of Jesus’ (Mark 5:21). The Holy Spirit is telling the people that it’s their night to reach out and touch Jesus. It’s about time we Christians really need to practice faith and walk in it. We need Jesus, in our entire situation, like that women who suffered for 12 years and reach out to Jesus. We must reach out to Jesus, because he will heal, restore and transform us.
Locals surrender to Jesus Christ |
The evening secession ended at 9:30pm and the closing prayer was made by Ps. Nenefa
On the Tuesday the church Pastors were very generous that they invited the team to a mumu feast were we spent some quality time with Church pastors.
Tonight will be our last and the close of this healing and restoration crusade. In the evening the crusade begins with Mr. Michael opening up with a word of prayer followed by praise and Worship. Mr. Elijah Paru was the speaker and the sermon he preached was based on John 12 about Lazarus. As Lazarus we must took off what belongs to the grave yard and leave it there forever. The Holy Spirit moved in the word and 22 people receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour.
Finally, Mr. Paru, Mr. Koini, and Mr. Turia take the time to thank the Churches, Pastors, Community Leaders and the people for allowing and accepting this great move of God to occur and assured them that this is a dawning of a new day for this community were healing, transformation and restoration is inevitable.
Mums & the team |
And Ps. Dick took the time to thank the TSCF team for responding to the call of God.
Ps: Solomon made the final Benediction for the crusade as we close.
The generator and the instrument were provided by the Numuyafove CLC church; thank God we had a great time. God gets the glory and honor.
Early in the morning, we packed all our belongings in preparation for departure. However that was not all, the people brought sugar cane, potatoes, pea beans; bilumes etc… and add them to our belongings. They were sad by our departure but were delight that their lives are been healed and restored by Jesus Christ.
This is the beginning of great things the Lord will do in Timreoh Community. God will begin to heal, transform and restore the community. Before that could happen, the people’s mindset has to be changed and renewed. Therefore God has called us, the students to impart life giving word into the dry bones. Now we can see a dawning of a new season were the dry bones has lived again. This will pave way for services and development to enter the community.
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